Homestays and Housing near Wellesley College

Homestays and Housing near Wellesley College (9)
Best Homestay
6 mi from school
95 minutes to school by public transit
3 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-8 guests
$900 Per Month
1 week minimum stay
Elisa's Homestay
9 mi from school
84 minutes to school by public transit
1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1 guest
$1000 Per Month
Boston-Brighton Homestay
9 mi from school
60 minutes to school by public transit
4 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-6 guests
$990 Per Month
3 month minimum stay
Welcome To Michelle's Homestay
10 mi from school
90 minutes to school by public transit
1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1-2 guests
$900 Per Month
1 week minimum stay
Auntie Lee’s Homestay
10 mi from school
100 minutes to school by public transit
2 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-3 guests
$900 Per Month
Stella's 5-Stars Homestay
7 mi from school
79 minutes to school by public transit
4 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-8 guests
$1100 Per Month
3 night minimum stay
The Waltham Esl Homestay
8 mi from school
90 minutes to school by public transit
1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1 guest
$830 Per Month
3 month minimum stay
9 mi from school
103 minutes to school by public transit
3 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-3 guests
$1200 Per Month
1 month minimum stay
10 mi from school
78 minutes to school by public transit
1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1 guest
$5000 Per Month
1 month minimum stay