

Hello, I'm Marcos Cunha Mendonça, Brazilian from the state of Bahia, born in the 60s. My native language is Portuguese, my degree was in business administration, I've been a civil servant for three decades and I really appreciate historical and cultural information. I like cycling and I will be in Boston for at least three weeks this May. I'm looking for a pleasant, clean, quiet environment, with a private room, a large, comfortable bed, good sheets, blankets and pillows. I would like there to be a breakfast, including some fruit, eggs, coffee and bread if possible. Otherwise, access to kitchen equipment, especially refrigerator, microwave and stove. I like pets. In short, that's it.

- Marcos

需要入住时间 每月预算 帐户信息
五月 14日 星期二??? $900 USD
Requested meals: 早餐, 晚餐
Travel purpose: studying (OHC Boston)
30+ years of age